My name is Sam Rad, and at the time of this post, which is September 2023, I am not a licensed paralegal yet, but this is not going to stop me from sharing this post to put paralegals on the map and to share with you who a paralegal is and what they can do.
Paralegals are competent legal service providers. Paralegals are actually legal practitioners. Paralegals can do so many things for so many people who need legal services.
For example, you’ve got a traffic ticket and you want to go to court. Hire a paralegal. You have a dispute between your landlord or your tenant? Hire a paralegal. You have been sued or you want to sue someone up to $35,000.00 in small claims court? You can go to a paralegal. You have been criminally charged with certain charges that are approved by the Law Society of Ontario? You can hire a paralegal.
Talk about the Law Society of Ontario. If you have a hearing before a tribunal, whether it’s the LSO or any other tribunals, a paralegal can represent you. WSIB is one of the other areas that paralegals can help. Liquor License Board or LAT (Licensing Appeal Tribunals), a paralegal can represent you there as well.
A lot of people get deterred and they don’t seek legal representation because lawyers can be expensive, but just because a lawyer is expensive doesn’t mean a paralegal who can offer legal services to you within their domain, that they cannot represent you.
Paralegals are incredibly hard-working individuals. They need to be recognized, appreciated and acknowledged.
Paralegals have studied, they have gotten their certificate, and they have been licensed by the Law Society of Ontario to offer legal services in various areas of law, and they are more affordable than most lawyers, or some lawyers, and they can do a good job for you. Let’s appreciate paralegals. Let’s put them on the map.
Share this video and log post with anyone that you know who lives in Ontario and encourage them to hire a paralegal.
You can go to the Law Society website and you can look for paralegals in your area.
Find out which area of law they’re offering legal services, hire them, let them help you, and give them the recognition and appreciation they deserve.
Author Sam Rad – Current case manager of We Defend You Legal Services and former president of the Paralegal Society of Canada before the regulations.
In Alberta, Paralegal is not regulated by the Law Society of Alberta, however, Triple A Legal Services, has authorization from the Ministry of Justice and Solicitor General of Alberta.
I have the ability to represent you i you have a dispute between you and your landlord, if you have been sued in small claims up to $100,000.
If you have a hearing before a tribunal, whether it’s the LSA or any other tribunals, a paralegal can represent you. WCB is one of the other areas that paralegals can help. Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis Act or CSLAC (Community Standards and Licensing Committee), a paralegal can represent you there as well.
Author- Adam Anderson- Owner and Paralegal of Triple A Legal Services.
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